Munigrid is a data management and sharing platform for Germany's public sector which I'm developing together with the city of Herrenberg, where I'm doing voluntary work to help with digitalization. It allows municipalities and other bodies of the public sector to securely share data internally, with external partners and publish datasets as Open Data.
Next.jsTailwindCSSRadix UITypeScriptCloudflare R2PostgreSQLGitHub Actions
Open Data Aggregator
Open Data Aggregator is a plattform that aggregates different publicly accessible data sources, adds schemas, versions the data and makes it accessible via a well-documented API.
Next.jsTailwindCSSRadix UITypeScriptGitHub Actions
in developmentI built Georanker as part of my search for a great place to live in Germany. It allows users to specify factors important to them and ranks every hectare of living space in Germany against those factors. For that, it uses publicly available data like noise maps and geographical data of forests and other points of interest.
To achieve good performance, the compute backend has been written in fully-parallelized Rust.
NiiVue is a WebGL-based medical image viewer mainly developed by the Neuroscience department of the University of Oxford.
I helped with different aspects of code modernization, which included porting the whole core library to TypeScript.
Open Data guidelines for German municipalities
To help facilitate the publishing of datasets as Open Data in my voluntary work at the city of Herrenberg, I wrote some guidelines on the ideas and principles of Open Data and how they can be applied by municipalities.
Most code duplication detection uses the Rabin-Karp algorithm to detect duplication, which only works with identical code - it can't find structural duplication or duplication where symbols have been renamed.
Simstruct uses methods originally suggested by Baxter et al. by searching for identical subtrees in abstract syntax trees.
TypeScriptSWCAST parsing
Component Library Library
I've often seen teams struggling with setting up proper React component sharing across their UIs. The component library library is a showcase of different component sharing setups.
ReactViteTailwindCSSMaterial UITypeScript
Originally developed at Mozilla, MetricsGraphics is a charting library for time series visualization. I rewrote MetricsGraphics entirely while being on short-time work during the beginning of Covid.